This project shows the construction of a microcontroller based security door using smart card. It is aimed towards programming the microcontroller to control the hardware in sliding door. The system consists of a microcontroller 89S52 which sends a signal to the multiplexers on insertion of the smart card in the card slot. The multiplexers consist of ICS which prompts for a display of the identity of the card user in the liquid crystal display (LCD). The LCD displays the status of the card. On validation of the card, the LCD displays a welcome note to the user and prompts for a pin code. The pin code is being keyed in from the key pad. If confirmed by the program written into the microcontroller access will be granted, otherwise no access, giving the user two more chances to insert the correct smartcard or pin code to it, before final denial of access and alarm. When access is granted, the card sends a 5volt signal to the microcontroller which triggers relay, resulting in the opening of the door
Social Networking have already tr...
Background of the Study
Journalism is fundamental in ensuring purposeful and peaceful co-existence in t...
This study examined government expenditure and Nigeria’s economic growth within the samp...
WhatsApp has significantly penetrated the various spheres of peoples’ lives all over the...
Studies on toxicological and sedative effects of Datura innoxia plant parts (leaf, seed, stem, pod and root) on Clarias gariepin...
2 Statement of the Problem
Petroleum substances pose a threat to the environment as they negatively affect plant production and put healt...
ABSTRACT: This study examines the role of early childhood education in promoting eco-friendly products among young children. Teaching children...
Efficiency on the other hand is productivity of estimated effects; specifically productivity with...
Background Of The Study
Insecurity in Nigeria is not a new phenomenon. High levels of insecurity have r...
Chapter One: Introduction
1.1 Background of the Study
In the digital age, social media platforms have become crucial channels f...